Yesterday, God allowed Brother Ronnie to preach at a small
Methodist Church and eight folks asked Jesus to save them. All Glory to
God! Last week, Brandon and Brother Ronnie went out on the streets,
soul-winning, and saw five adults ask Jesus to save them. They saw one
young man sitting on his porch, so Brother Ronnie turned his truck
around and said that the man was waiting to be saved. And He Was!
God touched his heart and brought him in. It never gets old, seeing God
work in the lives of people.

We prayed for another group of drug dealers and they had an AR-
15 Assault Rifle leaning against the door. Brother Brandon said it made

him nervous, and Brother Ronnie Tullos said,

“What are they going to
do; Send us to Heaven?” We are not scared of what man can do to us,
we serve a Living God, Who has already determined “the bounds of our
habitation [life].” Acts 17:26 All the bad boys in Memphis can’t kill us
unless God lets them, and all the doctors can’t save us, when God
decides to bring us home. We rest in that assurance.
This is our thirty-seventh year of Memphis Inner-City ministry.
We are still loving folks and finding those, who are waiting to be saved.
They are everywhere! They are hurting! They want someone to love
them! They are waiting on us! God has told us to GO. Will you GO,
LOVE, HELP, and WIN them to Jesus? Will you help us do it? No one

pays us to go. We can’t do it without God’s people helping us. Thirty-
Seven years! Over 60,000 professions of faith. Three Churches started

in Memphis. Lives changed. “To God be the glory, great things He hath
done. . ..”