Donor Testimonials

Here is what others are saying about RTEA

Gary Wilkes, President – Wayne’s Candy Company

Memphis is in trouble. If you are reading this, you probably agree that only Jesus can change the human heart. Also, if you are reading this, you probably support several mission projects that are doing great work.

Please consider supporting the Ronnie Tullos Evangelistic Association also. The workers go into the toughest neighborhoods and witness and disciple people of all ages and backgrounds. Through their Miracle Baptist Church new Christians are trained in their new walk and witness. Men and women are mentored and helped in their family roles and duties.

The economy has had a huge impact on all of us and our mission projects. I’m afraid some programs will not survive. Please consider this awesome work in the heart of Memphis.

Please pray and give if you can.

Gary Wilkes

David Perdue

Your ministry is a blessing to Memphis and has impacted the lost in the inner city like no other. May God continue to bless you and the Ministry!

Gloria Dunn

You have always been such a blessing when you have held Revivals at our church ( Branch 1st Baptist!) We have enjoyed hearing testimonies/stories of how God has used you and your ministry in the inner City of Memphis! Our church has been blessed to be a part of that ministry in a small way! May God, continue to bless you!

Mark Trantham

Always Scripture. Always preaching Christ Jesus as the only way to Heaven.
…some occasional humor.
Remain true, brother in Christ.

Lonnie McElyea

Praying every day for you and your ministry. May God continue to bless you and yours. I love what you said about the inner-city ministry; What can they do, send me to heaven? Love you my brother

Charles and Betty Osborne

Bro. Ronnie, we thank the Lord for you and your ministry. It’s a powerful testimony to God’s saving grace in this lost world. Only He knows just how many lives have been changed through your faithful preaching, as well as His love poured out through you to so many souls. May He continue to bless you and Susan. Thank you for having come to Lifeline to preach at our revival services!