All Glory to God!

Just when I thought I would make it through the pandemic without getting Covid, the Lord allowed the whole family to get sick and prove how little I know. In my pride, perhaps, I thought that we had been through enough and didn’t deserve to get sick. And times have … Continue reading

A Word From Our Supporters

Here is what others are saying about RTEA Gary Wilkes, President – Wayne’s Candy Company Memphis is in trouble. If you are reading this, you probably agree that only Jesus can change the human heart. Also, if you are reading this, you probably support several mission projects that are doing … Continue reading

A word from Gary Wilkes

Memphis is in trouble. If you are reading this, you probably agree that only Jesus can change the human heart. Also, if you are reading this, you probably support several mission projects that are doing great work. Please consider supporting the Ronnie Tullos Evangelistic Association also. The workers go into … Continue reading


Yesterday, God allowed Brother Ronnie to preach at a smallMethodist Church and eight folks asked Jesus to save them. All Glory toGod! Last week, Brandon and Brother Ronnie went out on the streets,soul-winning, and saw five adults ask Jesus to save them. They saw oneyoung man sitting on his porch, … Continue reading